01-22-2015, 10:01 PM
I watched similar case on ID channel last evening; student was obsessed with teacher, and stalked her unmercifully for a long time. He drove his car into her house trying to kill her after threatening to do that. He was in the usual psychiatric clinics, then jail. She lived and moved with her family out of state even though he was locked up for life....
People always want to know why, cause normal people (like us here at Mock) can't fathom their behavior. I personally think a lot of the "crazies" are born that way and yes, I know environment plays a big part but a majority of them have something abnormal going on in their brains; they don't think like we do, they don't perceive things like we do, the abnormal part of their brain gets in the way of their behaving the way the rest of us act. I think in this day and age, we should have a test that can identify these brain anomalies before the violent behavior manifests itself in person. I know that isn't practical. Saying someone has a mental disorder, illness, or whatever doesn't mean that is an excuse for their behavior. It just assigns a diagnosis to person to determine appropriate treatment. If someone kills, maims, etc., I think they should stand trial regardless of whether they understand right from wrong. There is something messed up with these people; they don't have to have a motive for their actions. Their brains dictate their behavior and they most often, kill again IMO. No amount of treatment is going to cure the brain defect which causes them to act out violence. Maybe 100 years from now, they will have brain transplants available, but until then, we have to start weeding out these people. We need to release some of the prisoners who are in prison for drug related offenses (some exceptions)
and make room for the really violent in our society and study in identification of same. In this case, Chism probably exhibited his killer tendencies prior to his killing his teacher. Don't think we, as a society, take these threats seriously enough, and stalkers don't have many repercussions except maybe a restraining order which, doesn't work. We tend to wait until someone is harmed before taking threats or behavior seriously. I think we need more lock up facilities for these people. In many ways, the criminally insane are more dangerous than the average wife killer, etc. There are many closed military installations across the USA which are sitting empty which could be used to contain some of our dangerous citizens who walk among us every day. I think some of these violent people who end up killing themselves at end of their reign, should have brains studied for commonalities, etc. There have been a few studies which show difference in the brains of violent persons as opposed to a "normal" person. Sorry, to have rambled so long, but human behavior fascinates me. I guess that is why I went into mental health field, but my training was way back in the 70's. I fully support research for cure of disease and would support same for brain deficient individuals.
People always want to know why, cause normal people (like us here at Mock) can't fathom their behavior. I personally think a lot of the "crazies" are born that way and yes, I know environment plays a big part but a majority of them have something abnormal going on in their brains; they don't think like we do, they don't perceive things like we do, the abnormal part of their brain gets in the way of their behaving the way the rest of us act. I think in this day and age, we should have a test that can identify these brain anomalies before the violent behavior manifests itself in person. I know that isn't practical. Saying someone has a mental disorder, illness, or whatever doesn't mean that is an excuse for their behavior. It just assigns a diagnosis to person to determine appropriate treatment. If someone kills, maims, etc., I think they should stand trial regardless of whether they understand right from wrong. There is something messed up with these people; they don't have to have a motive for their actions. Their brains dictate their behavior and they most often, kill again IMO. No amount of treatment is going to cure the brain defect which causes them to act out violence. Maybe 100 years from now, they will have brain transplants available, but until then, we have to start weeding out these people. We need to release some of the prisoners who are in prison for drug related offenses (some exceptions)
and make room for the really violent in our society and study in identification of same. In this case, Chism probably exhibited his killer tendencies prior to his killing his teacher. Don't think we, as a society, take these threats seriously enough, and stalkers don't have many repercussions except maybe a restraining order which, doesn't work. We tend to wait until someone is harmed before taking threats or behavior seriously. I think we need more lock up facilities for these people. In many ways, the criminally insane are more dangerous than the average wife killer, etc. There are many closed military installations across the USA which are sitting empty which could be used to contain some of our dangerous citizens who walk among us every day. I think some of these violent people who end up killing themselves at end of their reign, should have brains studied for commonalities, etc. There have been a few studies which show difference in the brains of violent persons as opposed to a "normal" person. Sorry, to have rambled so long, but human behavior fascinates me. I guess that is why I went into mental health field, but my training was way back in the 70's. I fully support research for cure of disease and would support same for brain deficient individuals.