02-11-2015, 08:28 PM
I listened to an interesting audio by Bryan Rudd Jessicas ex boyfriend. In the Audio he seemed really willing to talk expressing that no one has talked to him or interviewed him. He states that Jessica chambers told him her father committed two homicides. He also says her father would take her car away from her and her cell phone if she associated with black people. When Bryan first learned of Jessica's death his first instinct name that came to mind was her dad; however, he later dismissed the idea. He also said that the abusive relationship was with another guy after he had moved to Iowa. He also said that when he was with Jessica the only drugs they did was smoke weed. However his mom told him that Jessica appeared to be doing other drugs after he moved. Another thing he stated was that Jessica revealed to him that when she was a little girl she used to play with bottles or something in her fathers meth lab. The audio is interesting. My take on it is that perhaps her murder was drug related? But at the same time I feel that it could have been anyone. Bryan Rudd pretty much ended the interview saying that he really had no idea who it could have been. http://gotnews.com/tag/bryan-rudd/