01-20-2009, 10:31 PM
The Hermit Wrote:Fuck you, loose-lipped bitches. Since I got in I've been making my way through the dark, dusty hallways of this dismal attempt at a forum.I know this is his attempt at a jab toward us and his way of trying to be tough and funny, but I actually believe every word of it coming from him.
Too many different damn rooms for the same fucking gangbang to move around in. A bunch of 'em seem to have been abandoned for long enough now that you wouldn't need any furniture, as the mattress of dust would suffice. Then there's the rooms where there's no furniture left cuz it's been beaten to pieces from all the furious masturbating and ass-fucking.
Suck it up, cocksuckers. I work at Mickey Dee's for minimum wage, running a fucking till for four to six hours a day, depending on my shift. The odd day when someone calls in sick I get kicked back to the grills, or occasionally the deep fryer. Thankfully that doesn't happen very often, as it's not quite so hot up at the counter.
Oh yeah, and I don't have a driver's license. For the last nine years I've been driving only on the rare occasion that a friend or family member will let me drive their car when we're going to the same place. I'm fucking scared of ice, though. I even walk on it as little as possible. I might fall and break my neck!
Why the fuck would anyone drink anything with any fucking alcohol content??? It's dangerous! So many people are killed by drunk drivers! Alcohol should be outlawed again!
Fucking drugs are the shit, dude. But cuz I only work at Mickey's, I can never afford to buy my own, so I get what I can from friends. Weed got old a while ago. Cocaine's where it's at for now, with the occasional few hits of E. Now and then I don't mind some of that motherfuckin' meth shit, either. That really fucks with your mind, dude!
You know, while I'm at it, I might as well mention that I don't just have one "flatmate", I've got five of 'em. Kinda sucks, cuz the place we've got is only a one bedroom apartment. I end up getting the floor most of the time. But oh well, at least it's not a cardboard box in an alley.
At least I have my own computer. Can't remember where I snatched it from. Woke up one morning, and there was this laptop sitting on the floor next to me, with my name scribbled on it in permanent marker, in writing somewhat recognizable as my own. Coulda found something better, I'm sure, but it works.
Anyways, tomorrow my shift doesn't start until four in the afternoon. So I'm just gonna get all fucked up tonight on whatever anyone happens to show up with, and hope I wake up before I have to be at work.
That's my plan, bitches! And I'm still better than all of you.