03-07-2015, 12:35 PM
(03-06-2015, 03:05 PM)Maggot Wrote: You know its crashing when the stewardesses start putting on their jackets and start strapping themselves in, then you feel a few bumps like being on a roller coaster and the buckle your seatbelt light goes on. Oh yeah.........the pilot might come out and whisper something in the stewardesses ear and point outside or something.
There was a point in the flight where the pilot said it was going to be bumpy for 10 minutes or so and he asked even the stewardesses to take their seats and put their seat belts on...come to think of it, don't they have like full on harnesses? What's up with that??? I've never given it much thought but I am definitely checking that out on the flight home. You'd THINK that passengers should at least have optional harnesses (if they don't want to wear one because of discomfort, fine, but I'd wear a fucking harness during take-off's and landings if there was one on my seat--you should have a belt/harness option for chrissake).
Anyway, I digress but I thought I was in for the plane ride that would convince me never to fly again but it wasn't even very bumpy.

Finally, I was A2 in boarding for Southwest. A1 was late so I was the first to board. Woo-hoo! I grabbed the aisle seat closest to the front and around five minutes later a hottie guy takes the window (fine) but the woman chatting him up? She takes the fucking center seat and she's one of those people who OUGHT to have been forced to buy two seats. She was fucking g'normous. Her hips/thighs took up a third of my seat, dammit. Then she put down the arm rest and proceeded to hog that during the entire trip too. I almost moved to the back of the bus but I PAID for the privilege of sitting next to the dumb cow in the front of the plane.
I'm saying "the seat is taken" to any fat people who try to pull that on me on the way home.

Commando Cunt Queen