03-30-2015, 08:34 PM
(03-30-2015, 04:42 PM)Blindgreed1 Wrote: I will look into that soon. The piles are already forming on my side yard and these cutter ants have my cedar trees out front looking diseased. It's been a 3 year battle with them so far and I've only been able to moderately inconvenience them to date with the baby powder.
I use the orange oil inside but I'm not sure if an outside product exists (you'd think, right??). I don't know. I went to our local (small) hardware store this weekend though...I was looking for an outside lawn treatment for pests (for some reason, it's not ants but our lawn seemed to be infested with these tiny little spiders...). Blurg. Anyway, the only outside product I found was more toxic than I wanted but I hope I killed those little fuckers.
Yeah, you CAN buy it for the garden or make your own. From what I read of the pre-made products, it's pretty effective on ants. I guess some people use it to deter cats (who knew?). Apparently it doesn't work so well on cats though.
Commando Cunt Queen