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Midwest Spy's Questions for the Ladies
I think romance trumps everything for both sexes...and think women/men that their significant other just isn't romantic. If you have the energy to yell, holler, etc. during football games, you can be romantic once in awhile....Doesn't have to be flowers, etc. but do something that is usually done by your spouse.
You could offer to fold clothes...just fill in blank and don't take the excuse that he/she doesn't know how (offer a free teaching job).
Sally, you can work on saying "I love you." My roommates had to coach me on that but that was in the 50's and even then I was teased about being a virgin. I never heard that phrase until I was long gone from my home....or maybe your husband would rather have toast with heart shaped egg than "I love you."

What would the men want their love to do for them in the name of romance?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Midwest Spy's Questions for the Ladies - by blueberryhill - 05-06-2015, 10:03 PM