06-17-2015, 04:35 PM
(06-17-2015, 03:31 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Any word on the whereabouts of the Chihuahua?
It's a sad story, really. Rufus was killed on Christmas Eve 2014.
You see, Dee-Dee was attempting to get Gypsy transferred into the life-preserving oxygen bubble that Santa had left her. In their excitement, Dee-Dee accidentally stepped on Rufus who was then tragically rolled down by Gypsy's wheelchair. That's what the Rufus Blancharde Memorial GoFundMe page said.
However, in light of recent events, authorities are now investigating Rufus' untimely demise as a possible homicide. They've exhumed the body. Turns out, Rufus was a large, white, female, sewer-rat dyed to pass as a small, dark, male canine.
Neighbors say they found it odd that Rufus had no male genitalia, shat pellets, and didn't bark or nip at their ankles. They didn't want to seem judgmental though, so they never questioned it and instead each contributed $20 per week to help selfless Dee-Dee and sickly Gypsy feed their strange beloved little pet.