06-22-2015, 10:34 PM
(06-22-2015, 09:56 PM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: Actually I thought about that post before I made it and thought, you are really setting yourself up here bud. I said WTH and posted it anyway.
I thought the same thing too. And sure, it's an easy enough post to attack on the surface.
I guess I know you (For want of a better turn of phrase; how do we aver really 'know' anyone online?) well enough to understand what you're getting at. Do I think you're an out and out black hating racist who thinks 'Fuck those black assholes'? Nope, not at all. Do I think you'd be prejudiced against black people? Probably not. I imagine you'd probably even have the odd black friend or three. Are you discriminatory against what you think assholes? Fuck yes, and I guess who isn't.
So I kinda see your point and in a sense I tend to agree with it. It has become trendy to beckon to minority groups. I don't see this particular case in SC fitting into that, and I tend to agree with HotD, but in this country at least the civil libertarians have had a lot of wins in modern times, a lot of them justified and now they're beginning to run away with themselves.
'White Privilege' is a term that's really growing legs over here at the moment. To the point where some of the extremists are wanting anyone born white and male to instantly feel bad about it and bow at the feet of anyone who wasn't. Fuck that. I was born white and male and dirt poor. I had the same opportunities as the other green, red, blue, yellow and purple poor kids around me. Some of the black kids I grew up with are way more successful than I am. Why? Because they didn't wait for luck or good things to happen and expect things to be entitled to them. They went and worked their asses off and got where they are today.
Anyway, rant over, but I also appreciate your honesty, FU. We will never agree on everything, but in today's world, it's good to see someone with enough ticker to say their opinion out loud, even if it's not popular. I guess that's why I keep coming back here; most people do.