06-26-2015, 12:32 PM
(06-26-2015, 11:44 AM)BlueTiki Wrote: I believe the termination was an over reaction, by the chief.
This is one for the ACLU.
It'll be interesting to hear more about the department's policies and the officer's intent.
The people of North Charleston responded peacefully only a couple of months back to Officer Michael Slager unloading his service revolver into the back of Walter Scott, who was unarmed and posing no threat.
The Chief made no excuses for a clearly wrongful shooting death. While it's not known if race had anything at all to do with the shooting, the Chief represents the whole city and all of its citizens and needs to take into consideration everybody's perceptions. He and the black community leaders met and called for unity; there were no riots, only peaceful protests against police brutality, prayers, and a commitment to work together.
If officer boxer-shorts was trying to make a rebellious public statement with disregard for the Chief's and the department's image, policies, and public relations' goals, I don't fault the Chief for considering the officer an insubordinate liability and cutting him loose.
If instead the officer claims that he was not intentionally violating the department's policies when he made that public FB post days ago, it was at least ignorant in light of the department's stated mission IMO.
Maybe Gloria Alred will volunteer to represent the officer.