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My browsing activity has been restricted
Dell talked me into purchasing Iolo System Mechanic for basic care and maintenance of computer.....I extended it, but they terminated service and cheated me out of several months of protection and service.
I finally decided to install had positive reviews.....I am supposed to have Windows Defender, but since I use Firefox browser, it says I have to disable it....anyway, bitdefender tells me my computer is safe after routine scans, etc.
Still having problems with flashplayer.....Keep getting window that says it has crashed, etc......I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling a million times. I unchecked the "enable ......mode...." as instructed but still doesn't work. It works part-time like Clangs. I have Windows 8 (with upgrades they have added).

Messages In This Thread
RE: My browsing activity has been restricted - by blueberryhill - 07-02-2015, 11:34 PM