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Ideal Marriage circa 1926 Mock book club discussion
(07-03-2015, 10:14 PM)Donovan Wrote: The other side of that coin: a week or two ago I met a different woman at work who works for a different agency. Younger than me by a sizable amount but not obscene. I think early 30's so a decade give or take. Not a classic stunning beauty, not really anything special to look at vis. body, sex appeal etc. Almost a little plain in classic definition. We have exchanged no flirty talk or anything but a couple instances of strictly work related small talk.


the first time I saw her she sucked the wind right out of me. Literal lightning bolt of animal attraction. Never felt that before. It was fucking weird but not unpleasant, and mystified me more than anything.

So the question is, what is the path to take, in a hypothetical? Do you trust the obvious surface common interests and build a safe relationship with no passion? Or go with the animal reaction?

So you know nothing about her, she could be married with 6 kids for all you know? I think you'd have to at least find out her status first before going with anything.

I sometimes find men who are not classically good looking very sexy. I don't think it's different with women. Also the thing with a lot of plain looking women is that they clean up pretty good.

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RE: Ideal Marriage circa 1926 Mock book club discussion - by sally - 07-05-2015, 06:46 PM