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Greece is in tough shape financialy
I think my hairstylist may be starting to suffer from dementia. I'm not going to even attempt to convey everything she said to me on Friday but here's a summary of what she said:

* Did you hear about September?
* Because of what's happening in Greece and China, the US markets are due to collapse and the dollar will be worthless
* The Book of Revelations says a Muslim will be in office when the second coming of Christ (the Rapture) occurs. A lot of people think Obama is a Muslim.
* It's like a big secret; some people know about September and some people don't know. My dad told me about it.
* I'm scared. I've been told to take my money and buy gold. Oh, and stock up on canned goods and water.
* Fuck that, I'm stocking up on wine.

I don't know. I sent my financial adviser/investment manager husband a text about it (I figured he'd appreciate my giving him a head's up about the impending market collapse/Rapture due in September). Oddly, it's been two days and he hasn't responded or even thanked me for bringing him in to the "know" group. Dramaqueen
Commando Cunt Queen

Messages In This Thread
Greece is in tough shape financialy - by Maggot - 03-17-2015, 11:16 AM
RE: Greece is in tough shape financialy - by username - 07-12-2015, 02:12 PM