08-19-2015, 04:35 PM
(08-19-2015, 12:54 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: Jimmy, if you abruptly disrupt an economic status quo that your society has adapted to, wouldn't it be inevitably traumatic personally, financially and economically to your country. The stock market doesn't like this sort of thing, it gets nervous if you have a train strike, imagine something as controversial as that. I am not good at financial stuff at all . . .
"I am not good at financial stuff at all . . ."
Trust me . . . you didn't need to remind any member of this fact.
And yet, you keep flapping your gums.
Who said the deportation would be abrupt? Did Trump give a timeline?
The US hasn't the manpower or the resources to immediately herd 11 million people and shoo them out of the country.
I'd love to know what plan you would implement if faced with the sudden "rapture" of 11 million souls and the subsequent economic and employment void it would create.
Or would you just be paralyzed with fear and impotence?
BTW - Your understanding of the stock market is amazing!
(08-19-2015, 12:59 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: I think those that play cheerleader for Trump are ridiculous, irrelevant and should be ignored. They are an embarrassment to themselves.
And once again, your true, narrow-minded and elitist self shines through!
I'm glad you feel that way about Trump and his supporters.
With all the trash talk you spewed about Glenn Beck, I find it ironically appropriate that you are in complete lock step with him and his supporters regarding Trump!
I always thought the "dumb-dumb from down under" protested, about Beck, too much.
Oh happy day!
Dumbass is a Beck sympathizer!