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The hackers accuse Avid Life/Ashley Madison of filling the site with fake profiles and extorting fees for wiping profiles that were never truly deleted, in addition to poor security.

The company responded that it is the hackers who should be judged, not the company or the site's users. The company also said it is working on beefing up its security protocol (gee, I sure hope so).

[Image: 2B8845C200000578-3214336-image-m-39_1440774128210.jpg]
CEO ^ Noel Biderman and his wife Amanda appeared frequently on television shows to promote infidelity. He also wrote books preaching and justifying adultery.

They made big money in the cheating business. Their privately held Toronto holding company, Avid Life Media Inc., grossed $115 million in earnings last year, according to tax documents and Forbes.

But, Noel always claimed that he was faithful to his wife and has never cheated on her, even though he understands why other people have that need and should fulfill it. She admitted that she would be devastated if her own husband cheated on her.

Well, shockingly enough, his hacked profile proves that he was, indeed, involved in multiple adulterous affairs using Ashley Madison. He's just resigned.

I do not feel sorry for the Bidermans, at all. They were just peddling a philosophy and lifestyle in order to get rich quick. Now it's over; on to the next thing, I bet.

I hope the hackers are caught and prosecuted, though no one has identified them and grabbed the $500k reward yet. While I don't think the ends justify the means here, I do think some good could come out of the whole sordid mess. Companies should feel obligated to deliver the level of security they promise to their users, and people should be aware that if they lie and cheat, there's no guarantee that it won't come back to bite them in the ass (same as it ever was, internet or anywhere else).


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RE: HACK JOB -- CHEATERS, BLACKMAIL & MORE... - by HairOfTheDog - 08-28-2015, 03:08 PM