01-30-2009, 11:20 PM
SyberBitch Wrote:Well assuming I can not personally talk to the customer, which is always what I prefer to do - then it is time to speak with the server in question directly. I would ask them directly about the table, the entire meal ticket, and exactly how the cover went from start to finish. After listening to their story and assuming it mimicked the comments, I would have to make a determination on what a) additional training was needed with the server, b) if the server can do the job at all and needs to be removed from the schedule. It is always a case by case basis with complaints and every complaint needs to be dealt with a solution, which is almost always more training or staff changes.Liquid Wrote:I would imagine they would have left by the time you would see the comment.SyberBitch Wrote:is the customer still in the facility or is this after they have left?Liquid Wrote:As some of you know, I have owned multiple restaurants/bars, managed, and worked in the hospitality industry for over 20 years.I wasn't aware of that.
As an owner/manager... what would you think if you saw a table cheque with something written in like "No tip left - orders taken incorrectly, drinks never refilled, server poor attitude"?