09-18-2015, 01:39 PM
(09-18-2015, 12:41 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Do you think President Obama is a Muslim foreign-born operative out to Islamatize the U.S. and attack Christian religious freedoms, Maggot?
I believe he was indoctrinated into the Muslim culture and that his college was paid for by another country sympathetic towards Muslims.
I don't believe he is here to disrupt the country intentionally although that's probably been influenced by certain radical factions he has had contact with throughout his life. Alinskis rules for radicals comes to mind. There have been things he could have done that might have alleviated the suspicions people have of him had he released his college transcripts and his birth certificate in a timely manner if at all.
His record as a Senator is not stellar and the fact that he seems to have come from nowhere does not help any of the suspicions.
He may be egotistical enough to have a gleeful outlook on these accusations. Altogether its not a unifying gesture on his part to make an attempt at quelling these suspicions that many have by staying silent.
He has another year and I believe George Bush will be treated more kindly by history than Barry Sotero will.
I also do not believe he believes in God or any God for that matter. That's just a mask.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.