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US soldier murders 16 civilians....
If you read up on the evidence and trial testimony, it will really piss you off.

[Image: calvin.jpg]
^ Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs, now 28, was the leader of the brigade in which the "kill team" operated.

The evidence and testimony proves that he planted the idea of killing Afghan civilians (who he considered savages) into his subordinates' heads because they hadn't been attacked and they were bored.

Gibbs taught the soldiers under his command (the ones with the appetite) how to plant weapons near the dead bodies, and participated in the killings and desecration of the bodies. Everyone in the unit knew what was going on, it wasn't a secret. Gibbs is a full on piece of shit.

He was sentenced to life in prison. BUT, because he has a son, the jury agreed to the possibility of parole and he could be released within 10 years. What a farce.

The "kill team" executed a 15-year-old farmer who welcomed them and was simply working the fields. His father was the village elder who ended up identifying him; the father was inconsolable and protested the kill team's false claim that his son had attacked them. His protests initially went unheard. The pictures the kill team members took of themselves pulling his corpse's head back while they smile are sickening. They were shown to the jury. Photos:

The kill team did the same thing to an old cleric Mullah Adahdad who was known in his village as peace maker. The team pretended to be making a routine visit to the village and were welcomed. There were mostly children there and the team needed to get somebody out of view so they could accomplish their goal of killing another civilian, staging it as self defense, and earning bragging rights and awards (the awards have since been revoked).

They walked as Adahdad spoke with them until they got to a secluded spot. Then, they "waxed" him with a grenade and bullets, on command of Gibbs. After which, they took their smiling photos with his corpse and took parts of his body as trophies. His wife and children helped bring the kill team down; they did not quietly accept the bullshit story the murderers told about how Adahdad had attacked them.

Shit happens in war and I think shoot first and ask questions later is often an appropriate tactic when engaged in active combat. That's not what happened here. These assholes went hunting for defenseless civilians, murdered them, lied in their reports, and bragged openly within the unit. None of them should be doing less than 25 years and Gibbs should not have the possibility of parole, in my opinion. They're murderers and a disgrace to the U.S. military.


Messages In This Thread
RE: US soldier murders 16 civilians.... - by Gogo - 03-25-2012, 06:33 AM
RE: US soldier murders 16 civilians.... - by HairOfTheDog - 10-27-2015, 11:12 AM