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When I see kids at the bustop I think.
It's a cool feature.

To the best of my knowledge and previous research, there is no evidence that Einstein made either statement. Something very similar was attributed to him in the fictional movie "Powder" and people have been twisting it and attributing it to Einstein for years now.

However, there are several statements truly made by Uncle Albert (documented and sourced) in regards to his fear of technology as it related to the atom bomb. It disturbed him that so many people wrongly claimed it to be his invention or his baby because it was made possible by his theory of relativity (and possibly because he sent a letter warning Roosevelt that the Germans were progressing towards the atomic bomb). He often made statements in attempt to set the record straight, but none of those statements is similar to the ones you posted.

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RE: When I see kids at the bustop I think. - by HairOfTheDog - 11-04-2015, 02:05 AM