01-09-2016, 03:12 AM
Jesus. The drama between and within the Bundy militia men and the counter patriot protesters who disagree with the occupation is like a Real Housewives show.
Name calling, pissing contests, competing for media attention... Story: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northw...der_s.html
The not funny part is that a couple of these guys appear to be very mentally unstable.
This is marine Jon Ritzheimer. He led an armed anti-Islam rally at a Mosque in Arizona last year and then went into full meltdown mode when he received backlash. He blamed the media, while also lamenting that CNN and FOX haven't called him. Here he is 7 months ago ranting.
Here he is on his way to join the Bundy militia in Oregon.
Man. I would not put a gun in his hands and feel comfortable having him on my team. Even if you support his cause, the dude is clearly on the edge, in my opinion. He needs help.
And he's not even the one the veterans patriot group is trying to have kicked out of the occupation because, they claim, he's suicidal -- that would be Ryan Payne, a militia leader and spokesperson for Cliven Bundy at the armed standoff in 2014.
Name calling, pissing contests, competing for media attention... Story: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northw...der_s.html
The not funny part is that a couple of these guys appear to be very mentally unstable.
This is marine Jon Ritzheimer. He led an armed anti-Islam rally at a Mosque in Arizona last year and then went into full meltdown mode when he received backlash. He blamed the media, while also lamenting that CNN and FOX haven't called him. Here he is 7 months ago ranting.
Here he is on his way to join the Bundy militia in Oregon.
Man. I would not put a gun in his hands and feel comfortable having him on my team. Even if you support his cause, the dude is clearly on the edge, in my opinion. He needs help.
And he's not even the one the veterans patriot group is trying to have kicked out of the occupation because, they claim, he's suicidal -- that would be Ryan Payne, a militia leader and spokesperson for Cliven Bundy at the armed standoff in 2014.