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US agency (NSA) “collecting phone records“

[Image: Tim-Cook-CEO.jpg]
Apple CEO Tim Cook has indicated that he plans to defy the court order.

Cook said in a website posting that the U.S. government order would undermine encryption by using specialized software to create an essential back door that he compared to a 'master key, capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks.'

In the wrong hands, this software - which does not exist today - would have the potential to unlock an iPhone in someone's physical possession...And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control,said Cook.

So, now that the Patriot Act has been limited and LE/govt is required to secure a warrant in order to monitor phone data and electronic communications in their attempts to ferret out potential terrorists, we have a similar privacy vs. safety issue to consider once a terrorist act has already been committed.

Should the government be able to force technology companies to get around security encryption in terrorism investigations?

Messages In This Thread
RE: US agency (NSA) “collecting phone records“ - by HairOfTheDog - 02-17-2016, 01:58 PM