02-07-2009, 09:56 AM
people in groups participating in illegal activities have ALWAYS been labeled as criminals from the begining of time. The problem is that the people not doing anything wrong ARE associating with people who are. They make the choice to do that so they also have to deal with the consequences. Of course I agree with due process, but I know MANY MANY people who ride bikes DAILY. My neighbors across the street are full time bikers (real bikers, not yuppy bike owners). They ride their bikes to work year round, every night go riding hundreds of miles, and take bike trips every weekend with their groups of friends. We have talked about this at length. They choose to not associate with the groups (notice I said groups and not gangs) that might be subject to speculation about illegal activity because they DO NOT want to be associated with that type of person OR be accused of participating in the same activities. See that is always the point in these discussions. It is all about choice. If you CHOOSE to hang out with criminals then right or wrong you need to expect to be under suspicion for being one yourself