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(08-09-2016, 10:08 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I don't think people literally running around with loaded guns in their hands would increase safety, personally. But, it is unfortunate that female joggers are particularly vulnerable, even before dark, when they run alone in parks and woods. Jogging in pairs and avoiding sparsely populated locations is a better way to minimize the risk, in my opinion.

Discouraging news in Karina's case -- while LE was able to get a DNA sample from her body, it doesn't match anyone currently known to police and none of the two dozens leads has yet proved useful in the investigation.

Known sex offenders in the area have been interviewed and police are now looking for surveillance videos which may have captured Karina and/or her killer near the area.

Yesterday the president of Queens Burough requested funds to add surveillance cameras which would capture everyone who enters the Spring Creek Park where Karina was attacked and killed.

Thus far, I haven't seen anything to indicate that Karina's and Vanessa's murders are linked.

Another female jogger killed in Massachusetts.

Messages In This Thread
RE: JOGGER MURDERS: KARINA VERANO & VANESSA MARCOTTE - by Blindgreed1 - 08-09-2016, 10:14 AM