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Four Black Teens Kidnap and Torture Mentally Disabled White Man
Cruel pieces of shit.

It's bad enough to taunt and torture anyone like that, much less someone who is mentally disabled. And, according to the latest reports, the victim knew one of the assailants.

I'm not sure why anyone would blame Black Lives Matter however; this wasn't their doing. Anyway, BLM did make an announcement and clarified their stance, again, for those who for some reason consider BLM to be responsible for the actions of all black racists and dipshits:

“What happened to the young man who was held captive and tortured is terrible and we condemn the violence that was perpetrated against him,” BLM Chicago wrote. “We’ve stated time and time again, that we’re against all types of harm and violence perpetrated and we’ve never condoned it. So this is absolutely perplexing and twisted that people are associating this atrocity with this organization and movement.”

P.s. no one should wait for me or anyone else to post a story of interest to them; this is an open forum and relies on everyone's contributions.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Four Black Teens Kidnap and Torture Mentally Disabled White Man - by HairOfTheDog - 01-05-2017, 07:31 PM