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Sinister Is On The Rag
Shy Guy Wrote:[color="gray"]No my old man loving retarded obese retarded friend. [/color]
Wow... you managed to use 'retarded' twice in one sentence. That must make ME 'really retarded'. ::rollseyes::

Let's examine your mocking attempts against me, shall we?

1) I like to fuck 'old guys'

Well, neither of the guys I've been with were actually OLD, I said they were old enough to be my father, not GRANDfather, but even if they were, who gives a shit? I didn't pick them for their age, I was with them in spite of any age differences. It's true, up to this point, I simply haven't been attracted to anyone that wasn't older than myself. Well hell, actually now that you've made me really think about it, I WAS in relationships with guys around my own age a few times... but they weren't long term. I'm not going to go into painful detail because it's just fucking boring. Unlike you, I actually have a sense of these things and have some measure of sympathy for the readers here.

Your obsession with the age of my sex partners, just points to a deep sense of insecurity about your own sexual abilities and 'love life', if you can count sex with inanimate objects as a sex life (no offense Frank, at least you HAVE a wife).

Bottom line, neither I, nor anyone else here seem to care about the age of my past (or future) sex partners.

2) I'm 'obese'

My BMI is actually under 30, so technically no, I'm not 'obese', simply overweight. I've also been steadily losing weight for months now (ever since getting away from my ex, imagine that). Gee, a woman being overweight after having a kid is so condemning. Why, I must just sit around all day drinking soda and eating cheetos. Well, while that is a lifestyle I'm sure YOU are familiar with, it's not me. Not even close.

I was about 30lbs overweight when I got pregnant and I gained weight during the pregnancy, some of which I've still yet to lose. As I stated earlier, I still need to lose about 50lbs total. Big fucking deal. I think you give more 'weight' to what the people around think of mine, than it actually has. The fact is, they don't give a flying fuck whether I'm Jabba the Hut or a Supermodel. They have seen a recent picture of me and no one puked down their shirt, so I guess I'm ok. It's probably less than we could say for folks if they ever saw a picture of you, whether you are a sweaty little slug or a pimply strip of gauze, flapping in the breeze. They care more about my ability to contribute to this forum in a meaningful way and entertain them than what I look like.

Which brings me to number three.

3) I'm 'Toopid

If you choose to maintain the illusion in your little mind that I'm stupid, you go right ahead. I'm sure it makes you feel better to believe that you have the ability to judge the mental abilities of other when you are barely average yourself. Of course, many people who do interpret intelligence testing and such *are* only average intelligence, or slightly better, but they have little tests to go by which guide them along. The test in HERE, is whether or not you are able to keep up. While I have manged to pull your mocking attempts up a couple of notches, you're still nowhere near running with the big dogs here. I've had a couple of flame wars in here that put you to shame (on both sides).

Here's the thing, we enjoy each other's company in here because we entertain each other... for the most part. It's a nice little break from having to bang around with the regular morons 'out there'. You see, talking about 'idiots' and 'intellect' in HERE, isn't the same as it is out in the rest of the world. We're not just patting ourselves on the back and reaffirming to each other that we're 'smart'. Most of us are used to 'toning it down' out there, after a lifetime of learning that it just isn't 'smart' to be 'smart' around stupid people. In here, we can talk about it more freely because we don't have to worry so much about stepping on people's toes. It saddens me that you and your little friends, are chipping away at that freedom.

By the way, your little textual droppings of 'Oh look, she can dish it out, but can't take it' crap, are exactly that. You have done your worst, armed with your little flyswatter abilities, and yet here I still am, still mocking you. ::wait:: The fact that you feel the need to put hours into scouring the net, trying to drudge up things to 'disparage' me with, simply because (heaven forbid), I MOCK you on a MOCKING site, says something about your life, or lack thereof. I figure at this point, I've pulled you up as much as possible and you're still uncreative and boring.

Truthfully, I don't care if you decide to make me your 'wank du jour', just please, by all that is holy, don't make me imagine you fumbling around in your crusty batman underoos, trying to find your pitiful little abused pud for the 15th time today, while you revel in getting some attention, ANY attention, for a female of the human species. Thanks. Now I have to go scrub my brain.

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[No subject] - by Sinister - 02-08-2009, 09:43 PM
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[No subject] - by OnBendedKnee - 02-08-2009, 10:19 PM
[No subject] - by LuMPyPussy - 02-08-2009, 10:21 PM
[No subject] - by Sinister - 02-08-2009, 10:32 PM
[No subject] - by SyberBitch - 02-08-2009, 10:34 PM
[No subject] - by SyberBitch - 02-08-2009, 10:36 PM
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[No subject] - by Middle Finger - 02-08-2009, 10:49 PM
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[No subject] - by SyberBitch - 02-12-2009, 02:47 PM
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[No subject] - by Sinister - 02-12-2009, 03:04 PM
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[No subject] - by Fry Guy - 02-13-2009, 09:46 PM
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[No subject] - by Fry Guy - 02-13-2009, 11:19 PM
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