06-25-2008, 10:14 PM
Being from the island of misspelled words I find thata ratherexellent statement. To mis-spell or not to mis-spell thatis the bottom line, and if everyone mis-spelled and raised the bar formis-spelling and joined together in one big front of mis-spellings thatwould bring us all together and once just once we could all mis-spell for the world to see that we allmust learn to spell! Yes! Yes! Spell with our hearts Spell with our very being! Spell till we overflow in thetrust that is, and will always be thereason we have spellcheck!To be the top spellers in the land and to not be ever-never looked down apon as idgits from the island of mis-spelled words, That is our creed, that is our lives, ourvery lifeblood. ............Amen...........burp!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.