12-17-2017, 07:35 PM
Paul Ryan has already started talking about Welfare/Entitlement reform. No surprise to me. That's what he and most establishment Republicans have really wanted for at least a decade. This new tax reform legislation will be the self-created catalyst to pursue that goal.
Ryan and company (who objected to deficit/debt like a motherfucker before now) will claim it's necessary to take from the most in-need to pay for the hugely reduced government revenue resulting from this pro-billionaire tax reform legislation. Not cool.
Any government-funded program can and should be looked at in order to increase efficiency and reduce cost, in my opinion. That includes entitlement and military/defense spending. But, that's not what's happening in good faith here.
I think some Republican elected officials are shocked to find that so many Americans from all backgrounds and income brackets are informed and stand in opposition to this "Christmas present from Trump and the GOP" and what very likely comes next.
Anyway, I'm convinced that a short-term low/middle income bribe followed by fleecing average and poorest Americans to pay for perks to political donors and billionaires ain't gonna fly in the court of public opinion. It's not gonna happen without huge consequences to the GOP.
A lot of Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall now, in my opinion. They're preparing to get what they can with an expectation of being out of office in 2019.
Having said all of that, if against all logic and financial likelihood this tax reform plan really does spur enough economic growth to pay for itself (and thus individual income tax reductions become permanent and assistance for the truly needy is not cut)...........I'll be raising my pom-poms and cheering Trump, Ryan, and the GOP.
Ryan and company (who objected to deficit/debt like a motherfucker before now) will claim it's necessary to take from the most in-need to pay for the hugely reduced government revenue resulting from this pro-billionaire tax reform legislation. Not cool.
Any government-funded program can and should be looked at in order to increase efficiency and reduce cost, in my opinion. That includes entitlement and military/defense spending. But, that's not what's happening in good faith here.
I think some Republican elected officials are shocked to find that so many Americans from all backgrounds and income brackets are informed and stand in opposition to this "Christmas present from Trump and the GOP" and what very likely comes next.
Anyway, I'm convinced that a short-term low/middle income bribe followed by fleecing average and poorest Americans to pay for perks to political donors and billionaires ain't gonna fly in the court of public opinion. It's not gonna happen without huge consequences to the GOP.
A lot of Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall now, in my opinion. They're preparing to get what they can with an expectation of being out of office in 2019.
Having said all of that, if against all logic and financial likelihood this tax reform plan really does spur enough economic growth to pay for itself (and thus individual income tax reductions become permanent and assistance for the truly needy is not cut)...........I'll be raising my pom-poms and cheering Trump, Ryan, and the GOP.