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Quarantine - a shaky bloody mess
Saw Quarantine tonight. Not bad, but also not good.



Filmed like the movie Cloverfield, it is completely shot from the view of a cameraman following a reporter. the reporter is doing a story on a group of firemen and goes along with them, only to stumble into an effected building where they are locked inside (by the authorities) while everyone turns into blood sucking rabid zombies. Just like Cloverfield it starts with about 30 minutes of the filming of a bunch of people while the reporter is doing film spots with the different firemen around the firehouse. this lets the viewer get to know each of the characters.
After that and once they get to the infected building the movie quickly turns into a rapidly jerking around camera view, a lot of screaming, running, bloody biting, and people's life ending quickly.

My problem with this film is that it is NOT original. There have been SO many similar movies. 28 Days, Resident Evil and on and on and on. Sure they are a little different, but in the end they are basically the same.

This is an OK RENTER if you have a few hours to kill and want to be grossed out a little by the gore. There was only a few scenes that really grossed me out, but my wife had to cover her eyes a few times, especialy during one really gruesome scene with a broken leg and an infected man trying to walk on it.

Overall I give it a C+ to B- for a grade.

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