01-19-2018, 11:50 AM
(12-07-2017, 06:09 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: Hopefully his sentence will be short
You mean you hope he won't last long in prison? I think Nassar will have a hard time in prison.
He cried like the cowardly POS that he is when some of his victims -- all children when he began molesting them after gaining their trust and the trust of their parents -- read their victim impact statements at his sentencing trial this week. Nassar admits to being a serial child molester, but says he's really very sorry.

The judge essentially told him to suck it up; that his mental anguish is nothing compared to that he inflicted on 140+ young female gymnasts, dancers, and sports enthusiasts......under the guise of it being "medical treatment".
The University of Michigan and USA Gymnastics organization are both under fire for ignoring all kinds of red flags and/or ignoring many complaints against Nassar for two decades. Some are comparing it to the Sandusky scandal at Penn State, though Nassar's abuses were far more abundant and the press coverage hasn't been as widespread.
I STILL see some people commenting that they don't care because the victims should have come forward sooner or because they got settlements in turn for NDAs. Stupid. They were vulnerable kids with a lot of pressure on them, Nassar was a master manipulator, the predator drugged some of them before the abuse, and many of them did complain and were brushed off.
On the plus side, there's a lot less of that victim bashing bullshit than used to be case. Maybe because our culture is changing for the better when it comes to understanding true sexual assault. Or, maybe because those bashing nitwits are less apt to insist that 12-year-old kids must be money grubbers, groupies, or probably liked it.
Anyway, it was good to see him get 60 years in prison.