06-15-2018, 10:33 AM
(06-14-2018, 01:58 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Also on your greatest hits list was the story of your son bringing home a little black boy one time and you taking them for ice cream. According to you, that little boy was the only one who was ungrateful or unmanageable or some such thing.
I'm not sure what part of your "fanny" you pulled this out of but pictures would be helpful
I do remember watching a kid named Elizabeth that stayed with me and my Daughter, she was about 11 at the time and this kid was a little hellion, we went to the amusement park and she would make my Daughter wait in lines then go off and come back and get back in line after she waited there. She was loud, knew everything and wouldn't buckle up in the car, tore everything up in the house wouldn't listen to anything and I was glad when she was gone. It wasn't because she was black it was because she was a PITA. I put up with her for my Daughter and later she told me she only did it because the other kids didn't like her and she felt sorry for her.
Going by today's standards everyone is racist, not because they are but because new parameters have sprung up over the last few years that say everyone is. I do not fall into step with the new "White privilege" crowd that blame their own lack of a moral compass on all white people. It just isn't the truth and millions of people agree with me. I do believe that there is racism in the world just not as widespread as it is proclaimed. I would defend anyone getting taunted by the color of their skin but feel no pity for fools that get themselves into trouble for their lack of common sense and decency.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.