11-05-2019, 12:33 AM
Updated Time Line (modified from Facebook Missing page)
- October 15: Last Facebook post was setting up on Burner Beach (Padres Island) near Corpus Christi, Texas.
- October 15: Michelle last spoke to her son.
- October 16: Last known text.
- October 17: Missed a scheduled Facetime with their granddaughter to see her open a package they sent from Flour Bluff.
- October 19: RV last seen on Burner Beach without their truck.
- October 21: RV and truck were gone. GPS devices could not detect their vehicles.
- October 23: Reported missing.
- October 27: (evening) Police officer finds what appears to be remains near where they'd been parked.
- October 28: LE uncovers James' body underneath Michelle's body in a shallow grave.
- November 4: Police release surveillance shot of man driving Butlers' vehicles across Mexico border on Oct 20 or Oct 21 (with woman in passenger's seat)