03-09-2009, 06:37 PM
Sinister Wrote:English-Cunt Wrote:Ok, 2 questions;Sinister Wrote:takes the the focus of my scars a bitEnglish-Cunt Wrote:That happens once in a while and I fixed your post.English-Cunt Wrote:they don't mean any I just like the look of them^^^^post fail...............meh
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #dddddd"so my tribe theKFC tribe I love a nice bucket ............KFC's not bad too
Why do you get ink that doesn't really mean anything to you but is only a fashion statement?
Scars from what, and why do you care if your scars show? I see I was correct in my assumption of you being arrogant. Or at least vain.
1 I was stabbed up really bad I was meant to of died a few times when the doc's was trying to save me
2 I look like candy-man has gutted me with his hook