03-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:[user=161]D[/user] wrote:Damn straight, especially since if you're still using Linux ONLY on the command line... it sure as hell better be remotely or a server
Quote:Sinister Wrote:+ 2. So far, so good. What else ya got? ::wait::
I've got this whole spiel wound up for bashing Bill Gates... but isn't that a little too cliche?
Windows Sucks! Viva La Linux!
- Linux User Since 2001, Longest Uptime For Single Machine 3 years, 17 days, 4 hours, 39 minutes, 12 seconds... eat your heart out Billy Boy
Just what we need at Mock, a Linux nerd.
All desktop installs of Linux have GUIs now, and GUI installers as well... its just as easy, if not easier, as installing Windows.
Now, would you like me to educate you some more? I've got my cluebat handy