04-27-2009, 02:50 PM
SyberBitch Wrote:Thanks, and what "bait" issue?Middle Finger Wrote:Nice on the long and boring. ::thumbs:: I started a topic in your forum at 24 actually.I'm going to disagree with Ant here on the sex issue. You generally want to get the OPPOSITE sex of your dog. Two males or two females are more likely to fight, depending on their temperament.
Same sex as my dog eh? That would be male. They were saying the sex shouldn't matter much, that maybe the females are bossy, but I don't know ... my dog is almost 8 yeas old, still good energy.
I don't have any experience with the issues that may be involved with adopting a greyhound from a track, I never would have thought of the 'bait' issue, but it's a good point. I've worked with a few greyhounds though, and they seem very bright and gentle, though of course they love to run (so be sure you have a nice area for that).
Edit: On the sex issue, two neutered males tend to do ok together as well.