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memorial day
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:What is the difference between memorial day and veterans day?
Memorial Day and Veterans Day

At its very heart, the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day has everything to do with honoring the living and the dead. Both observances are intended to honor military personnel, but Veterans Day pays homage to all Americans who have worn the nation⿿s military uniforms, both living and dead, while Memorial Day is a day to remember all U.S. military personnel who died in wars or other military actions.

Veterans Day, originally named Armistice Day to mark the end of World War I on Nov. 11, 1918, became a national holiday in 1938 and was officially called by its present name in 1954 to honor World War II and Korean War veterans. A wreath is placed annually at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery to show respect for veterans who died in war.

Called Decoration Day after the Civil War, Memorial Day was observed initially by placing flowers on the graves of those killed in that national conflict in the 1860s. Until 1971 it was officially observed every year on May 30 but changed to the last Monday in May under the National Holiday Act. On Memorial Day, the American flag is flown at half-staff until noon and then raised to full staff.

The greatest honor we can bestow on the dead today is in the remembering of what they did for us to keep us free. We must teach our young citizens to respect America⿿s values and instill in them the true significance of Memorial Day.

Observe the day as it should be, a day where we actively remember our ancestors, our family members, our loved ones, our neighbors and our friends who fought and died for the cause of freedom.

Make every effort to visit cemeteries and memorials and place flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.

Attend parades honoring our military. Remember in your thoughts our fallen dead as well as all disabled veterans and do what you can to assist them.

To those who wear the uniform of our country with pride today, and for those of you who wore it in days past, these few words are meant for you. You gave of yourself, to protect and keep that life which you had learned and begun to love. Some of you came home again while others gave their lives and now live in our tears and memories. Freedom is not free, as they have proven with their blood. Thank you, veterans! We will never forget what you did. In fact, it is our debt and our duty. Because they died, we may live.


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