05-26-2009, 01:50 PM
Home video captured by outraged neighbors shows workers loading a deceased 750-pound mother onto a truck and covering her with a dirty carpet as her teenage son looked on.
Dead Obese Mom Hauled on
Published : Friday, 22 May 2009, 11:45 AM CDT
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. - Family and neighbors are outraged over the way officials removed an obese woman's body from her home.
They say workers dragged Teresa Smith's 750-pound body from her home, covered her with a dirty carpet and loaded her onto a flatbed truck.
"Dragging her on her mattress. They got her up there and took the carpet and, I promise, I though they were maybe going to move it out the way and then they took it and dropped it on her body," one woman said. "And I couldnt take it."
"That right there is just low down," an unidentified man said. "I felt like they, it was enough people out there to pick her up and carry her."
The outrage prompted neighbors to videotape the incident and rally against the coroner's office for the way they treated the 48-year-old and her family.
Smith's 13-year-old son, David, witnessed the event.
"That was just dishonorable. You really shouldnt disrespect the dead," he said.
According to the Marion County coroner, officials used the only available means to move a corpse of that size, but also said staffers may have used poor judgment.
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!