Spider cat spider cat (come on, sing along.......)
11:14am UK, Tuesday May 19, 2009
Nine out of 10 cats prefer the conventional route of a cat flap, while the remaining one is happier to risk lives and limbs to get into his home.[Image: 15284272.jpg]Spider-cat does whatever a spider-cat can!
Daredevil Charlie is regularly seen scaling a two-storey 13ft wall of a block of flats to get into his first floor abode.
The fearless tom's gravity-defying antics have earned him the nickname Spider-cat.
And such is his notoriety, the seven-year-old moggie has become something of a local celebrity in Denny, near Falkirk.

[Image: 15284273.jpg]Purrfect pair: Charlie and Hannah
Owner Hannah Smith explained: "Charlie miaows at the front door to be let out. So we let him out but no sooner is he let out than he wants back in.
"But if no one hears him at the front door, he then wanders round to the back of the buildings to find the balcony.
"He then climbs up the balcony to get in. So Charlie really goes out the front door and in the back door."
Ms Smith received Charlie as a kitten when he was just out of the litter, and even then she says there was something unusual about him.
"Charlie was the one that looked most mischievous and I liked that about him. He's certainly lived up to his reputation," she said.
"I think it is totally incredible how Charlie is able to climb up a roughcast wall.
"I've seen cats climb trees but I've never seen a cat climb a wall. It's amazing."

I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!


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[No subject] - by Freak magnet - 05-27-2009, 11:34 AM
[No subject] - by Duchess - 05-27-2009, 01:31 PM