06-27-2009, 02:23 PM
Quote:This was the clincher for me. The line he posted about you on "open view" at 24HourForum a while back.
Quote 24HourNut: ............I am not just "lumping you in" with the people you post with. I was referencing specific posts and comments YOU made about ME and this site, so let's drop the "lumping in" excuse....... There you go..... Just like, Chloroform Bob (Spot at FG). He needs to know what's being said about him and his pissant little 24HourForum. He's such a pompous git. He gets all butt hurt whenever people dare to mention how pissed off they are at him .....even on other forums that have fuck all to do with him. He pisses people off, and they can't retort, or mention it to anyone...anywhere ???..........That's the kinda thing you'd expect from little huffy girls, Mary .
Look at how he's coming on all, it's my play-pen, my ball, my rules, I'm right in his recent posts to you.....Long winded witless, useless, pointless paragraphs attempting to stamp his little authoritarian dick around the place. Does he think everyone didn't notice he flounced out of Mock when Borndragon placed a few choice 'shopped pics his way? He went missing for about 30 hours, Mary ! He can't abide "anyone" getting the better of him...it fucks with his sense of the grand opinion he has of himself.
Mary, he ran away from his own forum FFS! He couldn't take being mocked! He thinks owning a mock/flame forum automatically makes him a seasoned flamer. He isn't even the pimple on the arse of the real flamers you mixed with at R&R or CR! The only thing he could do in retort was post emotes...???? JHFC!
Yeah, he trolled FG ....the only people he could trouble were the hand-wringing, panties brigade. None of the real posters paid him any notice. I know I didn't, he hadn't the makings of an interesting troll to bother with . He was touting for business for 24Hour. His slimy posts to the woman were that off an old shuffle arse pensioner
....and yeah, even back then I thought, what a dopey witless twat. Some of the FG crew did join him....but as I've said often, he couldn't keep them there. 24Hour was dead, and as you know some of them left shouting, fuck off, you megalomaniac, piss off !
Your time in 24Hour is, well to be blunt,...It's like you having, Ned Flanders as a room-mate. Hi SnapHiss.aint it another beautiful god given day ......you ain't been saved from damnation"....You like Mexicans and blacks??....fuck you! " ...quick, brothers and sisters, vote for my post". So you retaliate, then bang, you or ,OP get banned...or both. Why? Because, Frank's a fucking twat. I expect a hint of arrogance from people who are naturally gifted....so what's Frank's skill? he likes to own and be in charge of forums...........I'm sure there's more, but off hand , I can't think of anything else .
PS I keep saying to you to cherry pick anything that may be useful to you. . And yeah, I know you like to credit people for this n' that, but, you're honest to a fault.
You're the most open and honest person I've ever met online Where else am I going to use any of this stuff? You know I prefer the more milder stuff when I post. So if you see anything from me.....even something that jogs your memory, or a line you can use where, Frank's concerned, just do it Has he been fair recently? calling you names...calling you a liar? You're so damn honest, you own up if you tell a porky because it begins to bother you. that's something, Frankie-boy "doesn't" know about you. BTW, you do know he's going to ban you from his other pissant forum the first chance he can just to show you who's boss? F'kin twat of a man.