06-27-2009, 05:54 PM
Hey Frank, here's a little more Clancy wisdom for you to ponder:
Quote:You know when he was bragging about his intro into FG being the best one? Who exactly awarded him that? Just another thought, but I think Frank has a lot of the Jives-I'm a big showboat-asshole gene. Maybe Frank enjoys Jives....there isn't another forum would want him. You also seen aknow in 24Hour's is another lying twat.
When you look at what's in there. Two gaping asshole liars, The Klan, Smooth -the biker-who isn't a biker, Prince Colon-I tell porky pies, and bore for my country ..........and Frank the twat is calling "YOU" a liar ??? Neil Simon, the brilliant U.S. playwright and screenwriter would have loved a scenario like this