07-12-2008, 05:24 PM
Liquid Wrote:I think this is a different person posting today for #@*!. Completely different use of words, punctuation, everything. Might not be the same person.It's me, I am just a bit busy with this forum installation at the moment and I can't take the time to try and speak "ebonics" right now. I just thought I shouldn't let this game go without making a response to the mock posts so I continued to post. It is definitely me. My initial posts were my pitiful attempt at being a Nigger talker, wigger acting, slang-talker, asshole, misspellleeerrrr, etc.
So, anywho, I have some work to do now and I must concentrate on it so, I must take my leave of you good people for a bit. Oh, and by the way