07-13-2008, 10:53 AM
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Did you and I used to be married? My ex used the same tactics when he was proven to be stupidly incorrect about something... he'd blame me.LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Your type just doesn't get it.Middle Finger Wrote:Part of the reason I got dramatic and said I am staying away was the biker angle. I was like, here we go again ...
I guess my main point is "Is hit and run on pedestrians crossing the street on a pedestrian crossing with the light showing red" part of the biker "code".?
I wonder how long it will take before I am physically threatened for not showing the proper "respect" this time?
My "type".
You mean intelligent, witty, British adult male?
No I guess my "type" doesn't get it, but your "type" does I suppose?
Are you yet another biker wannabe retard?, gangs are fun when your a teenager but most normal people grow out of it.
That obviously went flying right over your head. I've repeatedly been informed that my 'type' 'just doesn't get it.' That was my snide little insertion into your biker bashing.
Jesus. ::rollseyes::
There are lots of Sinisters little biker cohorts in this place.
Your posting so far has shown a general level of ignorance that would fit in with you being one of these cohorts.
Perhaps if you didn't post like a brain addled mong I wouldn't have assumed this.