07-13-2008, 04:03 PM
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Oh dear lord! Who let this dumb fuck out? I am sure it was an oversight. Listen you over active puss wart; stop trying to prove to yourself that your life really has value. Face the fact that you have shit for brains and you find your own self worth only when you gaze at the ass of a horse. Now do something useful for once in your miserable life and take a long walk on a short pier#@*! Wrote:What a beautiful day in the neighborhood...la-la-la-la-la
eat me you bitches! ::showass::
Having the nerve to start your own threads already?
You will find that you have much to learn here padawan.
How sweet!, fresh meat!
Now please don't disappoint me and prove to us all how ludicriously stupid and ignorant you are.