08-13-2009, 06:47 AM
FAHQTOO Wrote:Tru Bitch Wrote:hey jackboots....Please just kill it already JB. It will be our little secret.
trudumb: jackboots... (fuck kinda name is that????) <- emphasis!
the governemt is the reason... fat face. i dont trust ANYONE. not even the fucking cops... get a clue/
u would be the one in here talking shit... u probably got made fun of as a child.
"fat face"? heh. ::laugh::
i retract my opinion it's 15 years old. i think it's 12 and does not belong in this particular sandbox. mommy is going to catch her on this nasty site and excercise the parental controls. and is having issues with the other children making fun of her. more to be pitied than censured. ::coffee::
not worth killing FQ.