10-25-2009, 02:06 PM
twisteroo Wrote:Am I being marked as a gimick already?
"gimmick" I like that.
I wish you'd get a spell checker though. You look like a retard with all those errors.
Not too sure what to make of you just yet. You haven't done any dazzling with intelligence. You haven't posted anything that makes you so interesting that you got us begging the admin to let you in either.
Beside that, he wont' be back for another day or so anyway.
I'm not buying your bicycles are better for commuting and transportation argument. It's too weird but, hey - that's your bag.
You said you're fat, but then you say you are into bicycles. Not sure what to make of you if you're a liar or just trying to be slick. OR just a poor liar.