11-21-2009, 09:20 PM
Why thank you Lumpy. Seriously though. The forum is all adults. Why do they need to be supervised? Let people say what they want. If someone gets mad enough or hurt by what is said, they can leave, put that person on ignore, or leave the thread. It really is that simple. People do it here all the time. I do it to Frank almost everyday. That you chose badly when you got married and are now divorced and deserve to be alone and miserable gets old after awhile. Frank really has no idea what I went through and what I did to better my situation for me and my children. Yet he gets to sit an judge. Just like he does at 24. Yes Lumpy you start some shit over there. But to be honest I have not seen you say anything that bad. And if this Saint idiot is lying and misrepresenting himself on the forum he should be the one to be banned. That is much worse than what I have seen you do.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt