07-05-2020, 03:13 PM
(06-17-2020, 12:48 AM)MirahM Wrote:(05-31-2020, 04:13 PM)MirahM Wrote: Candidate #1 of my Big Fuck Summer has turned out to be a mansplainer.
Candidate #2 of Big Fuck Summer just wants to Fuck. Only Fuck. Nothing else.
It was good for a few last summer, but not enough to keep my motor running-I need some intellectual as well. But he does know how to spank me properly.
Candidate #3 of Big Fuck Summer wants to move away from this small town to an even more remote location void of people. I can't do that. I am a people person. Perhaps I can convince him to stay here? Also I have yet to spend an extensive amount of time with him.
Candidate #4 of Big Fuck Summer is someone the gals at work pointed out to me that is single. He is super nice.
Candidate #5 of Big Fuck Summer is handsome, has a great job but I know nothing else about him.
Removing Candidate #3 for sure. I just saw him again after work-meaning I ran in to him at the BLM thing and we had a chat for a few minutes and I am pretty sure his ideals and mine are pretty different. Also there was just no spark.
AND NOW I am adding Candidate #6! Candidate #6 came into the bank today (drive-thru) twice, and the 2nd time he came up he gave me a paper that had some info about him and his fb name. And he says, "Since we have similar intersts I wanted to give you my fb AND let you know that in a former life I robbed a bank" (Which everyone already knows-but he didn't know that I knew that." Of course the other tellar could hear this whole thing on her headset and she told everyone. I finished his transaction and I made her turn off her headset and I shut the door so I could talk to him. But all I said was "I'll check it out and here is your receipt" basically. (I didn't know if she was listening or not)
It was so wierd! I chatted with him later on messenger.
Okay candidate #6 is off the table, or plate or bowl or whatever.
Now I will look at #4 and #5
And also just try to enjoy the summer w/out any drama.