09-04-2020, 08:12 PM
That's why I sit back sometimes and watch them wiggle like crazy whenever something about Trump comes out, Biden couldn't wait to say trump was unamerican, nasty, a dope after of course he said "If its true" All they have to do is say that then it gives them the right to say anything about Trump their little tiny hearts can put on the teleprompter for him to say. It's a smear campaign right before the election, there will be more.
Collusion, Russian cooperation, Stormy Daniels, books written by people to make a buck, he had a stroke, He said "pussy" it goes on and on.
Collusion, Russian cooperation, Stormy Daniels, books written by people to make a buck, he had a stroke, He said "pussy" it goes on and on.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.