07-28-2008, 10:51 PM
And I see the little candy-ass needledick bug-fucker cut and run already.
HEY!!! Real Fuck!!!! Cuttin' and runnin' is not the way to get in, either, in case you had deluded yourself into believing it was.
There is no room for pussified candy-ass bitches here. You need to show proof of some spine, and some testicles. Zenith showed me she has testicles; where are yours? In your Mommy's purse????
Little bitch.....
HEY!!! Real Fuck!!!! Cuttin' and runnin' is not the way to get in, either, in case you had deluded yourself into believing it was.
There is no room for pussified candy-ass bitches here. You need to show proof of some spine, and some testicles. Zenith showed me she has testicles; where are yours? In your Mommy's purse????
Little bitch.....