11-20-2020, 01:17 AM
(05-31-2020, 04:13 PM)MirahM Wrote: Candidate #1 of my Big Fuck Summer has turned out to be a mansplainer.
Candidate #2 of Big Fuck Summer just wants to Fuck. Only Fuck. Nothing else.
It was good for a few last summer, but not enough to keep my motor running-I need some intellectual as well. But he does know how to spank me properly.
Candidate #3 of Big Fuck Summer wants to move away from this small town to an even more remote location void of people. I can't do that. I am a people person. Perhaps I can convince him to stay here? Also I have yet to spend an extensive amount of time with him.
Candidate #4 of Big Fuck Summer is someone the gals at work pointed out to me that is single. He is super nice.
Candidate #5 of Big Fuck Summer is handsome, has a great job but I know nothing else about him.
Candidate #2 has texted me again. Wants to get a hotel room in the next town over and invite this other girl also. WTF. I haven't even seen my family or won't for the holidays. Once again, I am saying no to dick and pussy.
Plus he is only about sex. He can barely hold a conversation about "How ya doin?" before he gets to the "My dick is so hard" WTF. I CAN'T!
Candidate #4 was at the bank today. And honestly he isn't a candidate because he has a girlfriend after all. BUT he is so nice! So at least it is nice to see this person come through the drive thru because you know they are always going to be super nice. He said, "Well if I don't see you before Thanksgiving, have a good holiday" or something like that.