11-30-2009, 12:33 PM
(11-30-2009, 11:32 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote:(11-29-2009, 09:23 PM)The Antagonist Wrote: Yeah, doing nothing would be way better than what he's doing now.
Yeah leaving things exactly they way they were when Bush left office would have been better than trying to solve all those things. Obama said it would take a full term not a year to fix things, so why not come back to this thread in three years time and we'll talk about it then dipshit?
How long did it take you to realise Bush was a fucking awful president? or did you get into all the post 9⁄11 jingoisitic Bush circus?
Oh look, there you go yet again putting words and thoughts into my mouth.
Obama is backpedaling on his "promises". Sorry that you think he's said it will take a full term but I watched every TV performance.
I am indeed giving him the benefit of the doubt but so far I am not impressed. Wait, didn't I say that already, asshole?
Obama is spending money we don't have. He's trying to shove a bad health care bill down our throats that will cost us trillions in the end. Never-mind it's unconstitutional but they found a way around that using some kind of 'consumer protection' clause (or something like that) to get away with it. That's the part where they force you to purchase the govt plan or be fined or go to jail.
It's going to tax EVERYONE, not just the "rich". And why should the rich be taxed extra? Why punish people who've done well for themselves? Are they not allowed to keep the money they earned?
Sorry, but you wouldn't get yourself out of debt the same way this guy is trying to get the country out of it. You don't spend money you don't have - period.
But you go ahead and tell me what he's done that's helping so far?
Is it allowing the shit heads that made the plan to fuck up the banking system bail us out one of them? Because that's what's happening.
Is that whole bail out working? Or is it allowing the big corporations we bailed out to fuck us over yet again on the people's dime? Wait - that would be a yes.
Sorry, it's not all on Bush - you just don't like to face that fact. This mess was started long before Bush but no one is willing to recognize that. Bush isn't innocent in this by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not his 'baby' start to finish.