06-28-2021, 09:05 AM
(06-28-2021, 08:52 AM)crash Wrote: Wow…even better, cockschild turning up trying to be edgy as fuck…….again *yawn*
sHocK TaCtiCS oNlY WeRk wHen YoU cAn aCtUAlly ShoCk sOmEoNe…
Play a new fiddle, cunt *mwah*
BLM and Antifa epitomize "edgy", which is merely a variant of "cool", something I lost interest in when I stopped smoking in the boy's room, you sad, old sod.
BTW, when are you English bastard-spawn going to stop fucking over the abos? If you're really so concerned about social justice why don't you establish some down there? Take your fucking boots off their necks and let them live the way they want to, instead of pissing and whinging about other nations that don't meet the standards you yourselves completely fail to uphold.